Saturday, May 15, 2010

Food for Life..?..?..?..? •May 8, 2010 • Leave a Comment (Edit)
Good Day to you all from Jellyroll ……In this blog I am going to set several goals for myself and hopefuly all of you.

One of my goals is to share recipes. These are not always going to be my own ( i think these days people with original recipes are rare, I feel that there has been a rendition of just abut every recipe out there ). I want to show you how easy it is to take your regular dinner for the family from good to WOW….

Another goal is to show you how to feed a family on a very limited budget. There are simple cheap things to add to meals that will not only make your family stand up and cheer at dinner time BUT put alittle more essential vegetables in the mix. I will show you how to “hide” veggies in your kids favorite meals.

My last….To have fun…… many people feel that cooking dinner after a hard days work is mindless and absolute torture…… let me show you how to get the family involved in the preparation. Fun tips and games that will keep them interested in the cooking process.

Food is life….. Life is food…….

Have a great day .

And thank you for being a part of the Jellyroll Family

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