Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fathers Day Goodness.....

Gotta love Fathers Day..... Hope you all you dads out there had a great day. And I hope you all had a great meal as well. I had a 16 oz Rib Eye cooked very rare, creamy Mashed Potatoes with Cheddar Cheese, and Grilled Broccoli with Honey Butter. It was absolutely amazing.

Creamy Mashed Pots
Russet pots, skinned and quartered
boil pots until soft, drain and place in a bowl with milk, sour cream, butter
add shredded cheddar cheese and mash away. season with salt and pepper to taste.

Broccoli with Honey Butter
The honey butter was a great idea that was past to me and my wife from our great friends the Millers.
Take equal parts butter and honey and melt them together. I know, how could we all not have thought of something so simple yet so yuuummmy. Place broccoli on grill, spread on honey butter. Easy as that.

The Honey Butter is great on everything from Bread to Fish and Steak. You can make a ton of it , wrap it in parchment paper and keep it in your fridge for ever.

Gonna start working on my menu for feeding the family of 4. Now that everyone is home from vacation and is back on track. What can I say about summer. Ya never do all that you set out to do.
Next post will be my weeks grocery list. Wish me luck. I am going to need it.
As always ........ Stay hungry and keep on cooking........

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