Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Me and My Moment

Hello all in Jellyroll land.
Sorry that it has been so long. This is something that is very exciting for me. I was surprised and honored to be a part of The Mutual of Omaha " Aha Moment ".  What this is about is,  Mutual of Omaha has a 30 foot mobile studio and they go around the country reading blogs, researching online, and interviewing people who have had their "Aha Moment". A moment or a turning point in your life that has lead you to where you are today. They read the Jellyroll Blog and read the Jellyroll Facebook page and wanted me to come tell my story. The first thought that went through my mind was "Damn !!!." Second was "Why do they want to know about me?'" So I went and this is what came of it.

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