Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Seven Guidelines for Nutritional Cooking

   Bringing nutrition out of the textbook and into the kitchen requires far less in terms of actual change than many people fear.. If you are already doing your best to select foods that are fresh, fully flavored, ripe, and wholesome, you are well on your way. Cook these foods as quickly as possible in as little water as possible to maximize nutrient retention. Serve a variety of foods, including as many whole grains, unprocessed fruits and veggies, and beans as possible.

   The Guidelines below are from the C.I.A. ( culinary institute of America ) introducing healthful cooking practices into any kitchen capitalize on this approach to selecting, preparing, and serving foods.You will undoubtedly begin to see a change for the better in all aspects of your kitchen and home as healthful practices become normal.

1. Cook all foods with care to preserve their nutritional value, flavor, texture, and appeal.

   -- Match the cooking method you select to the food you are preparing.                                           
       Whenever possible, opt for methods that do not introduce additional fats and 
       oils. Grilling, roasting, and steaming are good examples.

2. Shift the emphasis on plate towards grains, beans, veggies and fruits as   
the “center of the plate.”

   --  Traditional diets from around the world place a strong emphasis on grains,
       veggies, fruits, and beans. These foods, rich in carbs, and in an array of 
       vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and play an important part of in a balanced diet.  

3. Serve appropriate portions of food; know what a standard serving for all food.

    -- Setting standards for portion size and teaching your fellow humans to adhere  
       to portion size is crucial. Never plate more then you an eat. “eyes bigger then 
       stomach” syndrome.

4. Select foods that help to achieve the nutritional goals and guidelines you are  
    striving to meet.

   -- In general, the closer a food is to its natural state, the higher its nutritional   
      value. Locally picked fruits and veggies, for example, do not travel as far or as 
      long to get to the market. This means that they will retain more of their 
      nutrients. Whole grains, with the germ and bran intact, are a better source of a 
      wider variety of nutrients than polished, refined, or quick-cooking varieties.
      There are instances when processed foods may be necessary, but you can 
      exert some control over what effect these foods have on the overall value of 
      the foods you prepare. Make sure to read the label on any processed, 
      packaged, canned or frozen foods.

5. Opts for monounsaturated cooking fats and oils whenever possible and reduce the use of saturated fats.

   -- The average American consumes nearly 38 percent of a days calories in the 
      form of fats. This is well above the current recommendations from any of a 
      number of sources. Limiting the use of foods that contain too much fat and 
      cholesterol need not be the punishment many fear.

6. Use calorie dense foods ( eggs, cream, butter, cheese, and refined sugars ) moderately.

   -- This one simple step often presents a great challenge to anyone who is 
      accustomed to relying on rich foods as a major carrier of flavor on a plate. 
      Cutting calories nearly always includes cutting fats. Cream, cheese, butter, 
      and oils add more calories, gram for gram, than other foods. When you do 
      add them to a dish, use them sparingly.

7. Learn a variety of seasonings and flavoring techniques to help reduce reliance on salt.         

  --While the possible exception of cholesterol, there is probably no single topic
      relating to nutrition that causes such confusion and alarm as controlling salt 
      and sodium. The current recommendations for sodium are relatively 
      generous. There is no guarantee that a lifetime of moderate salt consumption 
      will keep an individual free of hypertension. However, it is fairly certain that, 
      once hypertension has been diagnosed, controlling the amount of sodium 
      consumed will have its effects. If you add an ingredient to a dish, such as 
      capers, olives, or hard grated cheese, that is high in sodium, you should make 
      an even further reduction in the amount of salt you add. Processed, canned, 
      or frozen foods also may be high in sodium content. Please read all labels 
      carefully and opt for reduced sodium versions.


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