Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Jellyroll Challenge

Hello and Goodmorning all Jellyrollers....... We are starting a new thing called "The Jellyroll Challenge". I have been challenged by my #1 follower, Shelley Vance. Here is the challenge. I need to come up with a menu that will feed a family of 4 dinner for 1 week for $30. That is 5 full meals. Well anyone out there that has kids knows that this will be close to impossible. But I have desided to accept her challenge. Staring Monday, June 14th I will be posting nightly the wonderful menu that will feed a family of 4 for 1 week. Lets set some ground rules. NO ORDERING OUT. That should be rule #1. The second rule is that all of the meals need to feature at least 1 vegetable dish. Rule three is that leftovers are allowed. This is gonna be hard due to the fact that I am not a big left over fan. Can I actually do this. The answer is yes.

Challenge #2 is to start taping and posting videos on the making of some of my recipes. I have never thought of doing this but LOVE the idea. Hopefully this will kick off in the near future

If anyone out there in Jellyroll land has a challenge that they would like to see me take on please dont be scared to send it on in. Ill do my best to accomplish. You can contact me at

Some exciting new stuff coming your way. Please stay tuned.

As always......Stay hungry and keep cooking..........


  1. OH fun! I try to only spend around $50/week on groceries(which was very hard the first few months). I catch things on sale and stick them in the freezer(ckn, pitas, berries, etc.) but you dont have much time to do that, so good luck!! I used to spend well over $100 for our family each week. Can't wait to see what you come up with(that i can use:).

  2. Great idea shelley and you can do it Jeremy!!!
